Rearranged links and discontinued /blog. ***RIP***
Added a bunch of WEBM roulette pages. ***NEAT***
Added food, trees, and Zdzisaw Beksiski galleries. ***COOL***
Added Discord server link and Cat Power! ***BASED***
DJ plays featured artist song first, then remaining playlist shuffled. ***GOOD***
Clicking DJ multiple times cycles to next song in shuffled playlist. ***GOOD***
DJ song titles now appear top of page. DJ fixed to top-left of page. ***GOOD***
New profile pic / slide virus badge down ***BASED***
Update mutuals ***GOOD***
Update mutuals ***GOOD***
Delist YT videos ***FINE***
Update not_found.html ***FINE***
-Tumbling down + Death rattle SFX, Spawn crosses on bodies /rei ***INSTRUMENTALITY***
-Load more songs in DJ, shuffle playlist /hell ***AMAZING***
-Update mutuals /hell ***GOOD***
-Willem Dafoe ***LOL***
-Backup site ***GOOD***
-Copy assets and create /SC.TV ***GOOD***
-Removed /detox from index. Discontinued. ***DONE***
-Wait until start of each month to add blogs to /vault ***OKAY***
-Create /detox to track sobriety ***GOOD***
-Fix mobile styling for /about ***NAH***
-Fix mobile formatting for DOA.TV & ZED.TV ***FINE***
-Test 75% YT player size with backgrounds ***GOOD***
-Update YT channel: Publicize WWZ vids, create WWZ.TV playlist ***GOOD***
-Clean mobile UI for DOA.TV and ZED.TV ***GOOD***
-Affix playButton scripts to DOA.TV and ZED.TV landscape gifs ***GOOD*
-Reload YT URLs into ZED.TV ***GOOD***
-Re-add blog links to vault ***GOOD***
-Affix copyLink scripts to month headers ***GOOD***
-Backup site ***GOOD***
-Load videos into ZED.TV ***GOOD***
-Add ZED.TV to index ***GOOD***
-Replace Fall loading gif script with "ghost script" ***GOOD***
-Replace AHH FRESH MEAT with turkey gobble ***GOOD***
-Add videos to ZED.TV
-Fix mobile footer gifs for DOA.TV and ZED.TV ***DONE***
-Blogs removed from vault ***OKAY***
-Fix DOA.TV mobile player (remove wrapper) ***FINE***
-Test DOA.TV desktop wrapper filter: sharpen
-Make /doatv ***GOOD!***
-Load stage backgrounds randomly ***DONE***
-Create YouTube playlist with DOA6 fights ***DONE***
-Embed playlist to autoplay random videos ***DONE***
-Play SFX when hovering DOA6 banner ***IT'S TIME***
-Remove X to close button images/videos ***DONE***
-Replace house emoji with egg, swap vault/index links goatcvlt header ***DONE***
-Removed image hover shake effect ***FINE***
-X-ray image hover effect in vault ***OKAY***
-Crammed vault mobile images ***FINE***
-Load the VAULT ***FANTASTIC***
-Toasty, super shotgun, howie screams, ahh fresh meat, and ATATATATATA SFX AT field, and sonic spin SFX ***TERRIFIC***
-Backed up site ***GOOD***
-humanraccoon comments disabled. they got a button?
-Add TOASTY! when clicking Sonya ***NICE***
-Mobile three-column the vault albums and N64 games
-Cleaned and organized CSS for index ***NICE***
-Backup site ***GOOD***
-Adjusted CSS for desktop and mobile ***PAIN***
-Test spoiler CSS and script to click to reveal instead of hover ***GOOD***
-Insert images and links to [2024.11.12], proofread and post ***DONE***
-Make sriracha bottle draggable? ***DONE***
-Make seperate script and identifier for month header message ***COOL***
-Change doomguy message to BLOG LINK COPIED and less dramatic ***HEADSHOT***
-Remove black fade and text from monthCopy CSS and/or script
-Remove monthCopy script. Instead, gif plays when page loads ***COOL***
-Test spoiler text styling ***GOOD***
-Check entire site for broken images ***FINE***
-Reduce vault image sizes/padding for mobile ***DONE***
-Scaled down vault images to minimum 200px ***WOOF***
-Have about page sriracha bottle fly around screen when clicked ***NAH***
-Turn cursor into a knife, links glow red on hover ***NEAT***
-Fix vault month and index floating house links ***DONE***
-Thank liliancipher for the follow EDIT: Used their guestbook ***COOL***
-Comment limit reached. Send replies tomorrow. ***GOOD***
-Add floating house emoji that links to index ***GOOD***
-Moved middle finger to middle of page ***DUH***
-Replace discord image/link with gmail ***DONE***
-Added Salty's button to about page ***GOOD***
-About page email and cashapp icons vibrate fast on hover now ***NEAT***
-Update about page text font and adjusted formatting ***GOOD***
-Copy index to 2410.html, update vault links, test at home ***GREAT***
-Clear index, reset for November ***DONE***
-Fix all the fuckin' links ***GOOD***
-Add fighting game background to about page ***NICE***
-Updated about page text and logos to bright green ***COOL***
-Added hover effects to floaters and buttons ***RAD***
-Tina's chimichonga removed ***SAD***
-Backup code ***GOOD***
-Added floating neocities logo to about page that links to profile ***GOOD***
-Added floating sriracha bottle that spins when clicked to about page ***SPICY***
-Added Tina's steak & cheese chimichangas to about page ***YUM***
-Squashed some formatting for the about page images ***OKAY***
-Made about page background tina's chimichonga's ***GOOD***
-Added flames to about page ***NEAT***
-Download and embed follower buttons to stop hotlinking ***GOOD***
-White border removed from goatcvlt button ***WORD***
-Backup code ***DONE***
-Added details and Don Quijote penguin to about header image ***NICE***
-Added Xbox 360 games to vault ***SWEET***
-Added DOA6 banner link to YouTube channel to about page ***COOL***
-Added retarded pulsating effect to about page main logo image ***LOL***
-Clicking about page flames now returns to index ***FINE***
-Vault categories re-arranged ***GOOD***
-Log formatting updated ***GOOD***
-Log click page to return to index script removed ***FINE***
-Added goatcvlt button to about page ***COOL***
-Added follower buttons and updated about page formatting ***NEAT***
-Removed click page to return to index script from horror.html ***WORD***
-LINK COPIED messaged adjusted to be hilariously big ***GOOD***
-Added pumpkins to October header ***NICE***
-Correction made to [2024.10.18]: Wrong video used for Randy Moon. I posted her shock sites vid, when I meant to share her profile customization vid. ***FIXED***
-Mobile: Index video modals fill screen, vault modals do not. Do we care? ***NAH***
-Index modal scripts updated for larger pop-out vid, and pressing ESC closes video ***GOOD***
-Fix vault modal scripts to do the same ***DONE***
-Share LINK COPIED message adjusted to be more obvious ***GOOD***
-Vault pop-out videos updated to be mobile-friendly ***YAY***
-Index clicking Butcher gifs now jumps to top of page instead of scroll ***GOOD***
-Horror carousel still not mobile-friendly (and it never will be) ***LOL***
-Vault image hover effect modified ***NICE***
-Index floating middle finger when clicked jumps to top of page. ***GOOD***
-Clicking Butcher gifs now jump to bottom of page ***GOOD***
-Vault replacing Music pop-out vids with music videos, live footage, or single tracks ***GOOD***
-Doom guy face blog share link visual confirmation ***OKAY***
-Vault pop-out videos are still fucked on mobile ***FUCK***
-Backup files ***DONE***
-Backup HTML files ***DONE***
-Add goodies to the vault 🔄
-Add gifs to horror carousel 🔄
-Replaced vault movie thumbnails with Blu-Rays ***GOOD***
-Added Sonya uppercut to vault in TESTING.html. Test on home network ***GOOD***
-Add SFX to trigger when clicked ***NOPE***
-Share button to top-right of blog posts when clicked copies blog post anchor link to clipboard ***GOOD***
-Visual confirmation (e.g. Doom guy face). ***GOOD*** Audio confirmation (e.g. Doom guy grunt) ***NAH***
-Vault pop-out videos are fucked on mobile ***WORD***
-Added a floating log button to bottom-right of index page ***GOOD***
-Anchor id blog posts by date. List entries in the vault. ***DONE***
-Bandcamp embed: Failed due to blacklist. Retry on home network. ***FIXED***
-Index Youtube embed: Test pop-out autoplay on home network. Reposition to center browser. ***FIXED***
-Vault Youtube embed: Test pop-out autoplay on home network. Reposition to center browser. ***FIXED***
-Clicking Butcher footer gifs now jump user to top of page. ***GOOD***